BUE Admission Requirments


The BUE operates within the framework of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Universities (SCU) 
as well as the United Kingdom of Great Britain’s Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) and provides 
UK degrees on successful completion of those programmes which are validated by our UK 
Students are provided with quality learning experience which seeks to prepare them for future 
employment and postgraduate study. BUE programmes aim to develop graduates not only with 
up-to-date knowledge in their degree areas, but also with independent learning skills, innovation, 
and flexibility. They will have the ability to apply knowledge creatively to the solution of practical 
problems, a key requirement for today’s employers and for future success.


Partnerships with leading UK universities

Students who successfully complete the regulatory requirements of the validated programmes 
and satisfy the quality standards set by the validating university receive two awards, one from 
the BUE, validated by the SCU, and the second from the validating UK University.

Criteria of Admission 
The British University in Egypt (BUE) adheres to the admission regulations set by the Egyptian 
Council of Private Universities (CPU). However, Acceptance is offered in accordance with the 
specific criteria outlined in the University's Admission Policy, which include:
1. The requirements set by the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education for each type of 
High School Certificate
2. BUE's English language entry requirements
3. Admission interviews for specific faculties.

1. The requirements set by the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education for each type of 
High School Certificates
To be eligible for admission, applicants must meet the following requirements:
- Hold The Egyptian General Secondary School Certificate (Thanaweya Amma) OR its 
equivalent of Arab and international high school certificates.
- Admission to BUE is highly competitive, with priority given to early bird applicants.
- The minimum score of entry is subject to be decided by the Egyptian Ministry of Higher 
Education for each academic year. Specific entry requirements are outlined according to the type of high school certificate.
refer to the detailed criteria below to determine eligibility for the various academic programs 

A. Egyptian Thanawaya Amma Certificate 
- Applicants must have attained Egyptian Thanwaya Amma Certificate with the following 

Faculty Requirement
• Dentistry
• Pharmacy
• Physiotherapy
• Nursing
Science Section:
Thanawaya Amma 
• Engineering
• Energy & Environmental Engineering
Mathematics Section:
Thanawaya Amma 
• Informatics & Computer Science  Mathematics or Science Section:
Thanawaya Amma
• Business Administration 
• Communication & Mass Media 
• Economics 
• Political Science 
• Arts & Design (except Interior)
• Arts & Humanities 
• Law
Arts- Mathematics or Science Section:
Thanawya Amma (All sections can apply)

Important Note:
- The Interior Architectural Programme of Arts & Design requires a Math or Science Section
- The Faculty of Informatics and Computer Science offers acceptance to Students with 
Science section, subject to successful completion of Advanced Mathematics in the first 
year of study in the university.
Required Document:
- The original document of the Egyptian Thanawaya Amma certificate or Authenticated 
Statement of Results.
- The original certificate of birth


- Applicants must have successfully completed the IGCSE/GCSE with a minimum of (8)
different approved subjects, as below

Faculty Requirement
• Dentistry 
• Pharmacy 
• Physiotherapy
• Nursing
Science Section: 
English – Mathematics / or any branch of 
Mathematics – Biology – Chemistry – Physics 
and any other (3) approved subjects.
• Engineering
• Energy & Environmental Engineering
• Informatics & Computer Science 
Mathematics Section:
English – Mathematics – Chemistry – Physics 
and any other (4) approved subjects. In 
addition to AS/ASL Mathematics 
• Business Administration 
• Communication & Mass Media 
• Economics 
• Political Science 
• Arts & Design (except Interior)
• Arts & Humanities 
• Law 
Arts- Mathematics or Science section:
English and any other (7) approved subjects

Important Note:
- The minimum grade required in IGCSE/GCSE (O.level) subjects is (C or 4).
- The minimum grade required in AS/ASL is (D)
- The Interior Architectural programme in the Faculty of Arts & Design requires 
Mathematics or Science Section only.
- The Faculty of Informatics and Computer Science offers acceptance to Students with 
Science section, subject to successful completion of Advanced Mathematics in the first 
year of study in the university.
- The English or Chinese programmes in the Faculty of Arts & Humanities requires 
IGCSE/GCSE (O.level) second foreign language as (French- German – Spanish.. etc ).

The approved subjects can be selected from:
▪ Accounting - Business Studies- Computer Studies, Information & Computer 
Technology- Economics - French/German/ Spanish- Geography- Global 
Studies- History-Logic Philosophy- Psychology- Sociology- Social StudiesStatistics- US Government.
- Applicants with 11 years of schooling are eligible to apply, provided they have met the 
specified entry requirements.

Required Documents
1. All original IGCSE/GCSE statement of results or certificates: must be authenticated by 
the British Council in Egypt (True Document - Golden Stamp) and the Egyptian Ministry of 
Foreign Affairs.
2. For applicants who have completed the IGCSE/GCSE in Egypt, the documents must also 
be stamped by the General Department of Examinations.
3. Academic Sequence of 12 or 11 Years of Schooling: must be authenticated by the 
relevant authorities. If the schooling was completed abroad, the document must also bear 
the stamp of the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
4. Supplementary National Exams: Proof of successful completion of Arabic and Religion 
exams (for Egyptian and Arab students only).
5. The original document of the Birth certificate


C. American High School Diploma 

Faculty Requirement
• Dentistry 
• Pharmacy 
• Physiotherapy
• Nursing
Science Section:
- (8) different subjects with a minimum of 
(1) credit hour for each
- English - Mathematics /or any branch of 
Mathematics – Biology – Chemistry –
Physics and any other (3) approved 
• Engineering
• Energy & Environmental Engineering
• Informatics & Computer Science 

Mathematics Section:

- EST2/ACT2 
- (8) different subjects with a minimum of (1) 
credit hour for each
- English - Mathematics – Chemistry – Physics 
and any other (4) approved subjects.

• Business Administration 
• Communication & Mass Media 
• Economics 
• Political Science 
• Arts & Design (except Interior)
• Arts & Humanities 
• Law 

Arts – Mathematics or Science section:

- (8) different subjects with a minimum of (1) 
credit hour for each.
- English and any other (7) approved subjects.

Important Note:
- The Faculty of Dentistry requires successful completion of (ACT2 / EST2), with Biology 
and one subject of (Mathematics -Chemistry or Physics).
- The Faculties of Engineering / Energy Engineering / Computer Science require successful 
completion of (ACT2/EST2), with Mathematics and one subject of (Biology- Chemistry or 
Alternatively, applicants may apply with a high school transcript clarifying at least (9)
subjects, including Advanced Mathematics

- The Faculty of Informatics & Computer Science offers eligibility of acceptance (Science 
section), subject to successful completion of Advanced Mathematics in the first year of 
study in the university.
- The Faculty of Art & Design (Interior Architecture) has specific requirements as below:
  • Either Mathematics section:
    ▪ Successful completion of (ACT2/EST2), with Mathematics and one subject 
    of (Biology- Chemistry or Physics). 
    ▪ Alternatively, applicants may apply with a high school transcript clarifying 
    at least (9) subjects, including Advanced Mathematics. 
  • Or Science Section:
    ▪ The applicant must have completed the following subjects in the high 
    school transcript as part of the (8) required subjects: English, Mathematics, 
    Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.

- Faculty of Arts & Humanities (English or Chinese Dep.); requires successful completion 
of (a second foreign language as (French / German / Spanish .. etc) in the high school 
transcript (GPA).

The Original Required Documents
✓ ACT1 / EST1: Stamped by the concerned department at the Egyptian Ministry of 
✓ SAT1: Must be stamped by AMIDEAST in Cairo and the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign 
✓ High School Transcript (GPA): Stamped by the General Department of Examinations at 
the Ministry of Education. If issued by a school outside Egypt, it must be stamped by the 
relevant authorities in that country, along with authentication by the Egyptian Ministry of 
Foreign Affairs.
✓ School Accreditation Letter (for high school outside Egypt): Must be issued by AMIDEAST 
in Cairo and authenticated by the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
✓ Academic Sequence of 12 Years of Schooling: Stamped by the relevant department of 
education. If the schooling was completed abroad, it must be stamped by the appropriate 
authorities in that country and authenticated by the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
✓ Statement from the Private Education Department: Required for high school education 
in Egypt.
✓ Supplementary National Exams: Proof of successful completion of Arabic and Religion 
exams (for Egyptian and Arab students only).
✓ Certificate of birth.

D. Canadian High School Diploma

Faculty Requirement
• Dentistry 
• Pharmacy 
• Physiotherapy
• Nursing
Science Section:
- (8) different subjects with a minimum of (1) 
credit hour for each.
- English - Mathematics or any branch of 
Mathematics – Biology – Chemistry –
Physics and any other (3) approved 
- a maximum of (3) subjects passed in Grade 
11 and the remaining passed in Grade 12
• Engineering
• Energy & Environmental Engineering
• Informatics & Computer Science 
Mathematics Section: 
- (9) different subjects with a minimum of (1) 
credit hour for each
- English - Mathematics – Advanced 
Mathematics - Chemistry – Physics and any 
other (4) approved subjects. 
- a maximum of (3) subjects passed in Grade 
11 and the remaining passed in Grade 12.
• Business Administration 
• Communication & Mass Media 
• Economics 
• Political Science 
• Arts & Design (except Interior)
• Arts & Humanities 
• Law 
Arts & Mathematics and Science:
- (8) different subjects with a minimum of (1) 
credit hour for each
- English and any other (7) approved 

Important Note:
- The Faculty of Informatics & Computer Science offers eligibility of acceptance (Science 
section), subject to successful completion of Advanced Mathematics in the first year of 
study in the university.

The Faculty of Art & Design (Interior Architecture) has specific requirements as below:
Either Mathematics section:
▪ Applicants must have completed at least (9) subjects, including Advanced 
Or Science Section:
▪ The applicant must have completed the following subjects in the high 
school transcript as part of the (8)required subjects: English, Mathematics, 
Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.
- Faculty of Arts & Humanities (English or Chinese Department); requires successful completion 
of (a second foreign language as (French / German / Spanish .. etc) in the high school 
transcript (GPA).

The Original Required Document

  • High School Transcript (GPA): Stamped by the General Department of Examinations at 
    the Egyptian Ministry of Education. If issued by a school outside Egypt, it must be stamped 
    by the relevant authorities in that country, along with authentication by the Egyptian 
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Academic Sequence of 12 Years of Schooling: Stamped by the relevant department of 
    education. If the schooling was completed abroad, it must be stamped by the appropriate 
    authorities in that country and authenticated by the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • Supplementary National Exams: Proof of successful completion of Arabic and Religion 
    exams (for Egyptian and Arab students only).
  • Certificate of birth.


E. French Baccalaureate

Faculty Requirement
• Dentistry 
• Pharmacy 
• Physiotherapy
• Nursing
Science Section:
- (7) different subjects including English -
Mathematics – Biology – Chemistry –
Physics and any other (2) approved 
- Biology must have been passed in the 
basic/mandatory subjects.
• Engineering
• Energy & Environmental Engineering
• Informatics & Computer Science 
Mathematics Section:
- (7) different subjects including English -
Mathematics – Chemistry – Physics and any 
other (3) approved subjects. 
- Mathematics must have passed in the 
basic/mandatory subjects
• Business Administration 
• Communication & Mass Media 
• Economics 
• Political Science 
• Arts & Design (except Interior)
• Arts & Humanities 
• Law 
Arts & Mathematics – Science Section:
- (7) different subjects including English and 
any other (6) approved subjects.

Important Note
- The Interior Architectural programme in the Faculty of Arts & Design requires 
Mathematics or Science Section only.
- The Faculty of Informatics and Computer Science offers acceptance to Students with 
Science section, subject to successful completion of Advanced Mathematics in the first 
year of study in the university.
- The English or Chinese programmes in the Faculty of Arts & Humanities requires a second 
foreign language as (French- German – Spanish.. etc )